Dynamic Fixed Income ETF ADV / DFI ETF

Investment Objective

Seeks to provide current income primarily through investments in fixed income securities.

Implementation: ETF Advantage

ETFs Only


100% Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index TR

Time Horizon

2 - 3 Years

Fixed Income Solution

Portfolio Overview

Seeks to provide current income to the portfolio primarily through investments in fixed income securities.

The portfolio’s 2-3 year investment horizon typically results in a significant percentage of portfolio assets allocated to relatively lower risk fixed income investments, enhanced by allocations to higher risk fixed income assets with higher yields and some long-term return potential. The specific mix between lower risk and higher risk fixed income assets is determined through RiverFront’s Price Matters® framework, which allocates more to higher volatility assets when yields are relatively high and reduces these allocations when yields are less attractive to us on a long-term basis.

Tactical strategies typically seek to add value by shifting the portfolio among fixed income asset classes based upon the shorter term momentum in their economic fundamentals, market conditions and technical pricing movements. The relatively short 2-3 year time horizon of this portfolio, however, dictates that short-term, defensive measures may need to be emphasized in order to protect portfolio values.

All investments in securities, including this portfolio, include a risk of loss of the amount invested and any profits that have not been realized. Performance of any investment is not guaranteed. Markets fluctuate substantially over time, and have experienced increased volatility in recent years due to global and economic events. Fixed income securities also carry inflation risk, liquidity risk, call risk and credit and default risks for both issuers and counterparties. In a rising interest rate environment, the value of fixed-income securities generally declines. Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against a loss. Please see the end of this page for more disclosures.


Distribute ~ More Conservative

Goal: Spend
Outcome: Income

Income is an important part of providing a distribution in retirement as is reducing volatility. Dynamic Fixed Income ETF Advantage seeks income for the portfolio as is available from the bond market and to reduce overall volatility.